4 Points to Ponder

Monday Morning

Dr. John Artis

1. Question to ponder: How can breathing affect back pain?

Did you know that proper breathing techniques can help reduce and even eliminate lower back pain? Let me explain.

Breathing plays a crucial role in stabilizing the lower back. Picture the abdomen as a cylinder, with the diaphragm at the top and the pelvic floor at the bottom. When this cylinder is fully inflated, it creates intra-abdominal pressure (IAP), providing stability to the lumbar spine.

Many individuals have weak cylinders, lacking the necessary stability, which results in increased wear and tear on the spinal vertebrae and soft tissues, leading to pain. To illustrate, consider a plastic bottle without a cap, easily crushed with one hand; add the cap, and it becomes challenging to crush due to increased pressure.

Stability is essential for various activities, including lifting, getting out of a chair, walking a dog, and preventing a fall after missing a step. You can train IAP by lying supine and inhaling to expand the cylinder (waist tightens), and upon exhaling, the waist constricts, and ribs rotate inward.

2. Quote I’m pondering :

“ I can accept failure, everyone fails at something. But I can’t accept not trying.”

– Michael Jordan

3. Youtube video I’m watching : 

Why You Can't Asian Squat (And the Benefits You're Missing)

4. Affirmation of the week:  

This week, I embrace challenges as opportunities for growth, and I trust in my ability to overcome any obstacles that come my way.