January WEEK 3

Dr. John Artis

1. Question to ponder: How can we protect our spinal cord?

Protecting the spinal cord and spine is as important as protecting the brain. Stability plays a crucial role in our daily lives, as we cannot perform any task effectively without it. With our lifestyle, where we spend most of our time looking at screens, we are putting an immense amount of pressure on our spines, which can lead to serious health issues. In order to maintain spinal integrity, we need to focus on segmental control, and one way to do this is through the Segmental Cat/Cow exercise.

The spine is divided into three sections: cervical (neck), thoracic (mid-back), and lumbar (lower back). There are 24 movable bones in the spine, and the two main jobs of the spine are to keep us upright and to protect the spinal cord. Unfortunately, in my practice, I see many patients with degeneration in the cervical spine due to bad posture, commonly known as "tech neck". To prevent this, we need to limit phone usage, get regular chiropractic adjustments, and practice stability training with an emphasis on proprioceptive awareness of the spine.

Segmental control is essential in maintaining neutral curves in the lumbar and thoracic spine, which helps to spread the load evenly in the spine and reduce the potential for injury. To improve segmental control, we can practice exercises like Segmental Cat/Cow, where we visualize each vertebra moving independently as a segment. This exercise involves slowly arching the back up like a cat while exhaling, and then dropping the stomach like a cow while inhaling. The purpose of this exercise is not to reach maximum extension and flexion but rather to focus on how much segmental control you can achieve while moving from one extreme to another.

We should prioritize the health of our spines as it impacts our overall well-being. By limiting phone usage, getting regular chiropractic adjustments, and practicing stability training with exercises like Segmental Cat/Cow, we can prevent spinal degeneration and maintain a healthy spine.

2. Quote I’m pondering :

“Always plan ahead. It wasn’t raining when Noah built the ark.”

– Richard Cushing

3. Youtube video I’m watching : 

4. Affirmation of the week:  

I can, I will, I must.